7 Easy Ways For You to Energize and Refocus!

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Young woman in an energized moodSpring and Fall are a great opportunity to refocus and energize ourselves. And you’d be surprised how small a change can be – and still make a big difference. In fact it’s often the small changes that make the MOST difference – because they’re different enough to give us a little excitement – but low effort and low risk!

So, here are 7 easy ways to help you get energized and refocused:

  1. Review (and reset if necessary ) Your Goals For The Year: Take 30 minutes to think about what would you LOVE to get done by the end of this year. Answer the 5 questions below to help you:
    1. What am I tolerating – and need to change?
    2. What would make a HUGE difference to me?
    3. What ONE thing would I be disappointed or regret I did not complete by the end of the year?
    4. What are my Top 3 Priorities for the rest of this year?
    5. What can I do THIS week to get me closer to my goals?

    You can also re-use our FREE: Annual Goal-Setting Worksheet or run through the questions in our FREE: 21 Questions to Extraordinary Goal-Setting to help you.

  2. Stimulate Your Senses: What could you change up in your home, travel, appearance (eg. hair/what you wear), what you eat, drink – in fact any part of your day? Try a new tea, brand of coffee, get yourself a new ‘special’ mug to drink out of. Buy a new zesty soap or music CD. Consider each of your 5 senses and make sure that each sense has something new going on; 1) Sight, 2) Hearing, 3) Smell, 4) Taste and 5) Touch!
  3. Lose ONE Self-Sabotaging Habit: Where do you sabotage yourself on a daily basis. For example, when I check email first thing I usually find it’s 10.30am or 11am before I blink and I haven’t even looked at my “To Do” list. So, one positive habit I am developing is to set an alarm and NOT check email until 11.30am, just before lunch. Where do YOU sabotage yourself? What will you say “No” to? What could you do differently?
  4. Revamp the Daily Routine: Consider your daily routine and shift things around a little. Shower in the morning instead of evening. Have a bath instead of a shower. Add meditation to your day. Go for a run first thing. Eat lunch later, dinner earlier. In short, do things differently! To help you, answer these 3 questions:
    1. What can I STOP doing?
    2. What can I CHANGE up, or change the order of WHEN I do it?
    3. What NEW routine or ritual can I START?

    You may also find our Coaching Exercise, Daily Success Habits helpful!

  5. Refresh and Energise Your Home or Workspace: Give yourself a boost by putting up some NEW inspirational images or quotes – on your mirror/desk/fridge. Get yourself a plant or some flowers for where you spend most of your time. Mix things up a little, move things around to make your life easier and send a signal to your brain that things are jazzy around here!
  6. Clear the Visual Clutter: Take 30 minutes to make sure your filing and bills are done/paid and your desk or filing cabinet is clear of clutter. Take down outdated cards, takeout menus, faded images and dead plants. Sort through those piles and throw out expired coupons, exercise schedules and pens that don’t work. And hey presto – you feel refreshed – and ready for action!You may also like our Free Coaching Exercise: Identify What You’re Tolerating!
  7. Take a Deep Breath at the Start of Your Day: Did you know you can energise yourself simply through breathing? Try breathing into your belly for a count of 6, holding for 2, then breathing out for 4. Repeat this for as little as 2 minutes. When we breathe in for longer and breathe out less, you are oxygenating your blood – and energising yourself!

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