Feeling The Blahs? 5 Ways to Get Moving! By Guest Author Cheryl Brewster

Reading Time: 1 min 44 sec

Let’s be honest with ourselves. Sometimes we go through cycles and no matter how much we try to stay positive, look on the bright side and trust the process, we just don’t FEEL it. And when we don’t FEEL it, motivation to do normal everyday things, let alone propel our visions forward can feel totally out of reach.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can shift from “the blahs” very easily by following this simple process:

1. Bless the Blahs

Blessing actually dissipates the blahs while resistance makes them stronger. How do you bless what you don’t like? There are always options. Lots of them… the blahs are letting you know that the choices you’re making right now aren’t giving you the energy you need to be present and enjoying life. They’re letting you know that you are shutting down somewhere. Like a good friend letting you know you’ve got something stuck in your teeth, the blahs are momentarily painful but wouldn’t you rather KNOW?! So blessing the blahs is proactive; it releases that stored up emotional energy in order to….

2. Apply the ABC’s of Prosperous Intuition (Aware/Breathe/Connect)

Awareness is everything! Now that you are consciously acknowledging that you have the blahs… rather than ask “why” you have them, a better question is “what am I going to do about them?” Consciously invite three deep breaths and I guarantee that something extraordinary will happen. Possibilities begin to flash through your mind; images, thoughts, inspirations and as you CONNECT with them, your ability to think outside the “box of blahs,” is enhanced… suddenly you realize you have the power to choose something more invigorating and freeing. You realize that “inspired action is a choice,” and you can choose it instantly, which helps you to….

3. De-throne the Critical Voice

Who put it in charge anyway? Notice that when you have the blahs there’s something else in charge… and it ISN’T pretty! It goes for the jugular every single time. When you don’t feel good about yourself, you shut down; you become powerless and helpless to change things. Not anymore! The blahs are an invitation to recognize where you are allowing yourself to be bullied by a harmful voice that is not yours. Be clear: if the voice behind the blahs is not helping focus on solution, drop it. See it for what it is and refuse to listen to it a second longer. This is NOT the voice of intuition. When you Take Your Stand for the affirming voice of intuition rather than the constant berating of the critical voice, positive change does occur!

4. Stop the Blame Game now and forever

The critical voice is insidious. Its focus is purely negative, condemning and life-zapping.In her book Feel the Fear and do it anyway, Susan Jeffers said it best: “Taking responsibility means not blaming yourself. Anything that takes away your power or your pleasure makes you a victim. Don’t make yourself a victim of yourself.” Blame is never the answer. Is there blame in your blah? If so, would you choose to stay in a vat of corrosive chemicals? That’s what you’re doing by staying in blame; this is toxic and needs to stop… NOW. This becomes a way of life; not only a now and then thing.

5. FEEL Those Positive Vibes!

Intuition has only one objective: your highest good. It is always solutions-based. Become Aware that the solution is already here; Breathe into it and Connect to that FEELING state of solution… When you attune yourself to the vibration of solution, you purposely put intuition/solutions back into the driver’s seat of your life. You are deliberately trusting the inner wisdom that sees behind the scenes. Suddenly the route and the destination are no longer scary, heavy, overwhelming or out of reach. You do not need to wait for things to change because YOU have; blessing the blahs and releasing the blame game, the critical voice and the past help clear the obstructions to solution that were here all along. You begin to see that every problem is a solution just waiting to be uncovered; you feel lighter, freer and open to the possibilities that exist. You see routes you did not see before, have thoughts you did not think before, and are inspired rather than deflated. Intuition is the key to prosperity on all levels… Why? Because it always points you to the solution that is here NOW.

So bless those blahs; and you intuitively ignite the flame of prosperity already inside of you…feel the relief and joy of solution here now and let it carry you through inspired action.

Cheryl is a Personal and Business Intuitive and founder of The Intuitive Life. She can be booked for personal and business readings via phone and skype. Her Intuitive Gatherings, Mentor Programs, Teleseminars and Workshops provide a creative and fun environment to help stretch comfort zones, build confidence and harness the power of the still, quiet voice within.

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